Benefits for the use of Social Media for Business

Social media can be a challenging marketing platform for many businesses to master and some may wonder ‘what’s the point’ all of our customers come to us direct. This is where you are missing key information! Social media goes beyond acquiring new customers, it can take your business to the next level in more ways than you think. I’m here to talk about the key benefits for the use of social media for business.

Here are some to have a think about…

Opens doors into industry insights

Social media is a great way to find industry research. Usually information is in real-time, so all statistics and information are likely to be the most up to date. Use your social platforms whether it be Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn etc. to see what your competitors are up to in terms of product offering, offers and the type of content they post. It can all be very useful to be able to position yourself in the market and stay competitive. Quick hint from me- we find Twitter and LinkedIn work best.

Build brand awareness

Photos and videos are the most common types of content amongst businesses. Although driving traffic to your website is important, use social media to create brand awareness too. It is addressed as the most effective type of content for engagement amongst many industries. It is important to understand that social media goes beyond making a sale, engage in national days, share good news from your partners or businesses you regularly have contact with as well as customers when appropriate.

Relationship building

Social media is also a great way to build trust with your customers. This is known as social selling. Monitor the point in social media conversations amongst your connections that you can contribute. For example, a connection on LinkedIn may be celebrating a new job or qualification. Take the time to send your congratulations to bring you to the front of their mind without direct selling. They will then be more likely to interact with your business’ social posts in the future.

Are you human?

People want to deal with a trusted business as mentioned previously. Some businesses can be seen as ‘straight-faced’ and ‘serious’. However, just because your business must abide by certain (and very important) regulations doesn’t mean the image you portray has to be the same. The easiest way to change the perception of your business is with your approach to social media. Giving an opportunity to show the friendly ‘human’ side of your business with team photos, customer stories and reviews gives people a real insight into the culture of your business whilst gaining trusted leads without directly selling your services. Personality is everything!

Its free!

It goes without saying, we all like something for free. Luckily for us social media is free in terms of the tool itself. How much you invest in terms of management, social advertising and scheduling is entirely up to you. So, if you’re unsure about the success of social media for your business there’s no harm in giving it a go, you might even give your marketing a boost without even realising it.

Now you know the benefits social media channels can have for your business give it a go.

Head to our blogs page to see more hints and tips for social media that can benefit all types of business.

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Lauren-McGowan AvatarPublished by – Lauren McGowan – Digital Marketing Assistant

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